Republik Malta | ||
Motto: Virtute et constantia | ||
Lage von Malta (grüner Kreis) - in Europa (hellgrün und dunkelgrau) | ||
Hauptstadt | Valletta 35 ° 54′N 14 ° 31′E / 35,900 ° N 14,517 ° E | |
Amtssprachen | Maltesisch [e] Englisch | |
Weitere Sprachen | Italienisch (66% Konversation) | |
Ethnische Gruppen | ||
Religion | Katholizismus | |
Demonym (s) | Malteser | |
Regierung | Einheitliche parlamentarische Verfassungsrepublik | |
Marie Louise Coleiro Preca | ||
] Joseph Muscat | ||
Legislatur | Abgeordnetenhaus | |
Unabhängigkeit | ||
• Staat Malta | 21. September 1964 | |
• Republik | 13. Dezember 1974 | |
Fläche | ||
• Gesamt | 316 [3] km 2 (122 sq mi) (186th) (186th) | |
• Wasser (%) [19659017] 0,001 | ||
Bevölkerung | ||
• Schätzung von 2018 | 475.700 [4] (171st) | |
• Volkszählung von 2011 | ] [2] | |
• Dichte | 1.457 [2] / km 2 (3,773,6 / sq mi) (8th) | |
GDP (PPP) | Schätzung von 2018 | |
• Gesamt | 20,823 Milliarden US-Dollar [5] | |
• 19659046] | 44,587 $. [5] | |
GDP (nominal) [1 9459024] | Schätzung von 2018 | |
• Gesamt | 14,270 Milliarden US-Dollar [5] | |
• Pro Kopf | [19654507] [19654507] [19655507] [19654507] [19655507] ] | |
Gini (2014) | [6] niedrig · 15 | |
HDI (2017) [199060018] Erhöhen Sie "src =" "decoding =" async "title =" Increase " width = "11" height = "11" srcset = "// 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia .org / wikipedia / commons / thumb / b / b0 / Increase2.svg / 22px-Increase2.svg.png 2x "data-file-width =" 300 "data-file-height =" 300 "/> 0,878 [7] sehr hoch · 29. | ||
Währung | Euro (€) [c] (EUR) | |
Zeitzone | UTC + 1 (Mitteleuropäische Zeit) | |
UTC + 2 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) | ||
Datumsformat | TT / MM / JJJJ (AD) | |
Fahrerseite | links | |
] Vorwahlcode | +356 | |
Schutzheilige | Paul der Apostel, Saint Publius und Agatha von Sizilien [8] | |
ISO 3166-Code | MT | |
Internet TLD | .mt [d] | |
Koordinaten: 35 ° 53′N 14 ° 30′E / 35.883 ° N 14.500 ° E
Malta ( [10] ( hören ] ; Maltesisch: [ˈmɐltɐ] ), offiziell bekannt als Republik Malta (Malteser Repubblika ta 'Malta ), ist ein südeuropäisches Inselland eines Archipels im Mittelmeer. [11] Es liegt 80 km südlich von Italien, 284 km östlich von Tunesien, [12] und 333 km (207 mi) nördlich von Libyen. [13] Mit rund 475.000 Einwohnern [4] auf einer Fläche von 316 km 2 (122 sq mi), [3] ist Malta der zehntkleinste der Welt. [14] [15] und fünft bevölkerungsreichstes Land. Seine Hauptstadt ist Valletta, die flächenmäßig mit 0,8 km die kleinste Landeshauptstadt der Europäischen Union ist. 2 Die Amtssprachen sind Maltesisch und Englisch, wobei Maltesisch als Nationalsprache und als einzige semitische Sprache anerkannt ist die Europäische Union.
Malta ist seit etwa 5900 v. Chr. Bewohnt. Seine Lage im Zentrum des Mittelmeers [16] hat seiner Geschichte als Marinestützpunkt historisch große Bedeutung beigemessen, wobei eine Reihe von Mächten die Inseln, darunter die Phönizier, die Karthager, die Römer und die Griechen, bekämpft und beherrscht haben , Byzantiner, Araber, Normannen, Sizilianer, Spanier, Johanniter, Franzosen und Briten. [17] Die meisten dieser fremden Einflüsse haben die alte Kultur des Landes geprägt.
Malta wurde 1815 eine britische Kolonie und diente als Zwischenstation für Schiffe und als Hauptquartier der britischen Mittelmeerflotte. Es spielte eine wichtige Rolle im Krieg der Alliierten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und wurde später mit dem George Cross für seine Tapferkeit angesichts einer Axis-Belagerung ausgezeichnet [18] und das George Cross erscheint auf Malta Nationalflagge. [19] Das britische Parlament verabschiedete das Malteser Unabhängigkeitsgesetz (Malta Independence Act) im Jahr 1964 und gab Malta die Unabhängigkeit vom Vereinigten Königreich als Staat Malta. Königin Elizabeth II. War ihr Staatsoberhaupt und ihre Königin. [20] Das Land wurde 1974 zu einer Republik. Es ist seit der Unabhängigkeit Mitglied des Commonwealth of Nations und der Vereinten Nationen und trat 2004 der Europäischen Union bei. 2008 wurde es Teil der Währungsunion in der Eurozone.
Malta hat ein langes christliches Erbe und seine Erzdiözese wird als Apostolisch angesehen, weil Paul der Apostel gemäß "Apostelgesetze" ("Melita") nach den Gesetzen der Apostel [21] die jetzt weit verbreitet ist, Schiffbruch erlitt angenommen, Malta zu sein. Während der Katholizismus in Malta die offizielle Religion ist, heißt es in Artikel 40 der Verfassung, dass "alle Personen auf Malta uneingeschränkte Gewissensfreiheit haben und die freie Ausübung ihrer jeweiligen religiösen Religionsweise genießen dürfen." [22] [23]
Malta ist ein beliebtes Touristenziel mit seinem warmen Klima, zahlreichen Erholungsgebieten und architektonischen und historischen Denkmälern, darunter drei UNESCO-Welterbestätten: Hypogeum von Ħal-Saflieni, [24] [24] Valletta, [25] und sieben Megalith-Tempel, die zu den ältesten freistehenden Bauten der Welt zählen. [26] [27] [1965602] 19659123] Etymologie [ edit ] Der Ursprung des Namens Malta ist ungewiss, und die heutige Variation leitet sich von der maltesischen Sprache ab. Die gebräuchlichste Etymologie ist, dass das Wort Malta vom griechischen Wort μέλι meli "honey" abgeleitet ist. [29] Die alten Griechen nannten die Insel Μελίτη ( Melitē ) und bedeuten "honigsüß", möglicherweise für Maltas einzigartige Honigproduktion. eine endemische Unterart des Bienenlebens auf der Insel. [30] Die Römer nannten die Insel Melita [31] was entweder als Latinisierung des Griechischen Μελίτη oder als Anpassung der dorischen griechischen Aussprache desselben angesehen werden kann word Μελίτα . [32] Diese Schreibweise findet sich im Neuen Testament. Eine andere Vermutung legt nahe, dass das Wort Malta vom phönizischen Wort stammt Maleth "ein Hafen", [33] oder "port" [34] in Bezug auf Maltas viele Buchten und Buchten. Nur wenige andere etymologische Erwähnungen kommen in der klassischen Literatur vor, wobei der Begriff Malta in seiner jetzigen Form in der Antonine-Reiseroute (Itin. Marit. S. 518; Sil. Ital. Xiv. 251) vorkommt [35] Malta ist seit etwa 5900 v. Chr. Bewohnt, [36] seit der Ankunft der Siedler von der Insel Sizilien. [37] Eine bedeutende prähistorische neolithische Kultur, die von megalithischen Strukturen geprägt ist, die bis in die Zeit um c zurückreichen. Um 3600 v. Chr. Existierte es auf den Inseln, wie die Tempel von Mnajdra, Ggantija und andere belegen. Die Phönizier kolonisierten Malta zwischen 800 und 700 v. Chr. Und brachten ihre semitische Sprache und Kultur. [38] Sie nutzten die Inseln als Außenposten, von dem aus sie die Erkundung der Meere und den Handel im Mittelmeerraum erweiterten, bis ihre Nachfolger, die Karthager, 216 v. Chr. Von den Römern mit Hilfe der Malteser, unter denen Malta ein Municipium wurde, vertrieben wurden. [39] Nach einer byzantinischen Herrschaft (4. bis 9. Jahrhundert) und einem wahrscheinlichen Sack der Vandalen [40] wurden die Inseln im Jahre 870 von den Aghlabiden eingenommen. Das Schicksal der Bevölkerung nach der arabischen Invasion ist unklar, aber es scheint, dass die Inseln vollständig entvölkert waren und wahrscheinlich zu Beginn des zweiten Jahrtausends von Siedlern aus dem arabisch beherrschten Sizilien, die Sizulo-Arabisch sprachen, wieder besiedelt worden waren. [41] Die muslimische Herrschaft wurde von den Normannen beendet, die die Insel 1091 eroberten. Die Inseln wurden bis 1249 vollständig neu christianisiert. [42] Die Inseln waren bis 1530 Teil des Königreichs Sizilien und wurden vom kapetischen Haus Anjou kurz kontrolliert. Im Jahr 1530 übergab Karl I. von Spanien die Malteser-Inseln dem Ritterorden des Krankenhauses des Hl. Johannes von Jerusalem in unbefristeter Pacht. Die Franzosen unter Napoleon eroberten 1798 die maltesischen Inseln, obwohl die Malteser mit Hilfe der Briten die französische Kontrolle zwei Jahre später verdrängen konnten. Die Einwohner baten daraufhin Großbritannien, die Souveränität über die Inseln unter den in einer Erklärung der Rechte [43] festgelegten Bedingungen zu übernehmen, in denen es heißt: "Seine Majestät hat kein Recht, diese Inseln an eine Macht abzutreten er beschließt, seinen Schutz aufzuheben und seine Souveränität aufzugeben, das Recht, einen anderen Souverän zu wählen, oder die Verwaltung dieser Inseln, gehört uns, den Bewohnern und Ureinwohnern allein und ohne Kontrolle. " Als Teil des Pariser Vertrags von 1814 wurde Malta eine britische Kolonie und lehnte schließlich eine versuchte Integration mit dem Vereinigten Königreich 1956 ab. Malta wurde am 21. September 1964 (Unabhängigkeitstag) unabhängig. Nach seiner Verfassung von 1964 behielt Malta zunächst Königin Elizabeth II. Als Königin von Malta bei, wobei ein Generalgouverneur Exekutive in ihrem Namen ausübte. Am 13. Dezember 1974 (Tag der Republik) wurde sie zu einer Republik im Commonwealth mit dem Präsidenten als Staatsoberhaupt. Am 31. März 1979 sah Malta den Abzug der letzten britischen Truppen und der Royal Navy aus Malta. Dieser Tag ist als Tag der Freiheit bekannt und Malta hat sich als neutraler und nicht aneinandergereihter Staat erklärt. Malta ist der Europäischen Union am 1. Mai 2004 beigetreten und am 1. Januar 2008 der Eurozone beigetreten. Die von Archäologen im Skorba-Tempel gefundene Keramik ähnelt der in Italien gefundenen. Die maltesischen Inseln wurden im Jahr 5200 v. Chr. Vor allem von steinzeitlichen Jägern oder Landwirten besiedelt, die von der italienischen Insel Sizilien, möglicherweise dem Sicani, angekommen waren. Das Aussterben der Zwergflusspferde und Zwergelefanten wurde mit der frühesten Ankunft des Menschen auf Malta in Verbindung gebracht. [44] Prähistorische landwirtschaftliche Siedlungen aus dem frühen Neolithikum wurden in offenen Gebieten und auch in Höhlen wie Għar Dalam entdeckt. [45] Die Sicani waren die einzigen, die die Insel auf dieser Insel bewohnten time [37] [46] und werden im Allgemeinen als eng mit den Iberern verwandt angesehen. [47] Die Bevölkerung auf Malta baute Getreide an, zog Vieh an und verehrte, ebenso wie andere Kulturen des Mittelmeers, eine Fruchtbarkeitsfigur, die in den prähistorischen Artefakten Maltas dargestellt ist und die Anteile aufweist, die in ähnlichen Statuetten, einschließlich der Venus von Willendorf, zu sehen sind. ] Die Keramik aus der Għar-Dalam-Phase ähnelt der in Agrigento (Sizilien) gefundenen Keramik. Eine Kultur von Megalithis-Tempelbauern wurde dann entweder verdrängt oder entstand aus dieser frühen Zeit. Um 3500 v. Chr. Errichteten diese Menschen einige der ältesten freistehenden Bauten der Welt in Form der megalithischen Ġgantija-Tempel auf Gozo [48] . Weitere frühe Tempel sind die von Ħaġar Qim und Mnajdra [28] [49] [50] Die Tempel haben eine charakteristische Architektur, typischerweise ein komplexes Dreiblatt-Design, und wurden von 4000 bis 2500 v. Chr. verwendet. Tierknochen und ein Messer, das hinter einem entfernbaren Altarstein gefunden wurde, deuten darauf hin, dass Tempelrituale Tieropfer beinhalteten. Eine vorläufige Information lässt vermuten, dass die Opfer der Göttin der Fruchtbarkeit geopfert wurden, deren Statue sich heute im Nationalmuseum für Archäologie in Valletta befindet. [51] Die Kultur verschwand offenbar um 2500 v. Chr. Von den Maltesischen Inseln. Archäologen spekulieren, dass die Tempelbauer einer Hungersnot oder Krankheit zum Opfer fielen, dies ist jedoch nicht sicher. Ein weiteres archäologisches Merkmal der maltesischen Inseln, das oft diesen uralten Baumeistern zugeschrieben wird, sind gleichgroße gleichförmige Furchen, die als "Karrenbahnen" oder "Karrenspuren" bezeichnet werden und an verschiedenen Stellen der Inseln zu finden sind. Die bekanntesten sind die in Misraħ Għar il-Kbir, das informell als "Clapham Junction" bekannt ist. Diese wurden möglicherweise durch Wagen mit Holzrädern verursacht, die weichen Kalkstein abfressen. [52] [53] Nach 2500 v. Chr. Wurden die maltesischen Inseln für mehrere Jahrzehnte bis zur Ankunft eines neuen Völker entvölkert Zustrom von Einwanderern aus der Bronzezeit, eine Kultur, die ihre Toten einäscherte und kleinere megalithische Strukturen namens Dolmen nach Malta einführte. [54] In den meisten Fällen gibt es hier kleine Kammern, wobei der Deckel aus einer großen Platte besteht, die auf aufrechten Steinen angeordnet ist. Es wird behauptet, dass sie zu einer Bevölkerung gehören, die sich sicherlich von der unterscheidet, in der die früheren Megalith-Tempel errichtet wurden. Es wird vermutet, dass die Bevölkerung aus Sizilien kam, weil die maltesischen Dolmen mit einigen kleinen Konstruktionen auf der größten Insel des Mittelmeers vergleichbar waren. [55] Phönizische Händler [56] besiedelten die Inseln irgendwann nach 1000 v. Chr. [12] als Zwischenstopp auf ihren Handelsrouten vom östlichen Mittelmeer nach Cornwall und traten den Einwohnern der Insel bei [57] Die Phönizier besiedelten das Gebiet, das jetzt als Mdina bekannt ist, und ihre umgebende Stadt Rabat, die sie Maleth nannten [58] [59] [59] . Die Römer, die auch Mdina später bewohnten, nannten sie (und die Insel) als Melita . [30] Nach dem Fall von Phönizien im Jahre 332 v Kontrolle von Karthago, einer ehemaligen phönizischen Kolonie. [12] [60] Während dieser Zeit bauten die Menschen auf Malta hauptsächlich Oliven und Johannisbrotbaum an und stellten Textilien her. [60] Während des Ersten punischen Krieges wurde die Insel nach harten Kämpfen von Marcus Atilius Regulus erobert. [61] Nach dem Scheitern seiner Expedition fiel die Insel in die Hände von Karthago zurück, um dann 218 v. Chr. Während des Zweiten Punischen Krieges erneut von römischem Konsul Tiberius Sempronius Longus erobert zu werden. [61] Danach wurde Malta Foederata Civitas eine Bezeichnung, die bedeutete, dass es von der Abgabe von Tribut oder der Herrschaft des römischen Rechts befreit war und in die Zuständigkeit der Provinz Sizilien fiel. [30] Der punische Einfluss blieb jedoch auf den Inseln lebendig, mit dem berühmten Cippi von Melqart, der für die Entschlüsselung der im 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Eingeweihten punischen Sprache entscheidend war. [62] [63] Auch die hiesige römische Münzprägung, die im 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Eingestellt wurde, [64] weist auf die langsame Romanisierung der Insel hin, da die letzten lokal geprägten Münzen auf der Vorderseite noch Inschriften auf altgriechischem Boden tragen (wie z "ΙΑΙΩ", was "der Malteser" bedeutet, und punische Motive, die den Widerstand der griechischen und punischen Kulturen zeigen. [65] Die Griechen siedelten sich ab ca. 700 v bezeugt durch mehrere architektonische Überreste und blieb während des gesamten römischen Dominiums erhalten [66] Um 160 v. Chr. Auf Malta geschlagene Münzen trugen die griechischen "ionΑΙΩΝ" (Melitaion), was "der Malteser" bedeutet. Um 50 v. Chr. Hatten die maltesischen Münzen eine griechische Legende und eine lateinische auf der anderen. Später wurden Münzen nur mit der lateinischen Legende "MELITAS" ausgegeben. Die Darstellung von Aspekten der punischen Religion zusammen mit der Verwendung des griechischen Alphabets zeugt von der Widerstandsfähigkeit der punischen und der griechischen Kultur auf Malta lange nach der Ankunft der Römer. [67] In Im 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr. kommentierte der römische Senator und Orator Cicero die Bedeutung des Tempels von Juno und das extravagante Verhalten des römischen Gouverneurs von Sizilien, Verres. [68] Im 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Wurde die Insel von Plinius Älterem und Diodorus Siculus erwähnt. Letzterer pries seine Häfen, den Reichtum seiner Einwohner, seine reich verzierten Häuser und die Qualität seiner Textilprodukte. Im 2. Jahrhundert verbesserte Kaiser Hadrian (reg. 117–38) den Status von Malta zum municipium oder der freien Stadt: Die Inselangelegenheiten wurden von vier quattuorviri iuri dicundo und einem Bürgermeister, während ein römischer Prokurator, der in Mdina lebte, den Prokonsul von Sizilien vertrat. [61] Im Jahr 58 n. Chr. Wurde der Apostel Paulus zusammen mit dem Evangelisten Lukas auf den Inseln gespült, nachdem sein Schiff auf den Inseln zerstört worden war. [61] Paul der Apostel blieb drei Monate auf den Inseln und predigte den christlichen Glauben [61] Im Jahr 395, als das römische Reich beim Tod von Theodosius I zum letzten Mal geteilt wurde, fiel Malta nach Sizilien unter die Kontrolle des Weströmischen Reiches. [69] Während der Völkerwanderungszeit, als das weströmische Reich zurückging, geriet Malta unter Beschuss und wurde mehrmals erobert oder besetzt. [64] Von 454 bis 464 wurden die Inseln von den Vandalen und nach 464 von den Ostgoten unterworfen. [61] In 533 vereinigte Belisarius auf dem Weg zur Eroberung des Vandalischen Königreichs in Nordafrika die Inseln unter kaiserlicher (östlicher) Herrschaft. [61] Über die byzantinische Herrschaft in Malta ist wenig bekannt: Die Insel war vom Thema Sizilien abhängig und hatte griechische Gouverneure und eine kleine griechische Garnison. [61] Während der Großteil der Bevölkerung weiterhin aus den alten, lateinisierten Bewohnern bestand, schwankte während dieser Zeit die religiöse Bindung zwischen dem Papst und dem Patriarchen von Konstantinopel. [61] Die byzantinische Herrschaft führte griechische Familien in das maltesische Kollektiv ein. [70] Malta blieb unter dem Byzantinischen Reich bis 870, als es an die Araber fiel. [61] [71] Malta war an den arabisch-byzantinischen Kriegen beteiligt und die Eroberung Maltas ist eng mit der von Sizilien verbunden, die 827 nach dem Verrat von Admiral Euphemius an seinen Byzantinern begann, und forderte, dass die Aghlabiden die Insel besetzen. [72] Den Christen auf der Insel wurde Religionsfreiheit gewährt; Sie mussten Jizya, eine Steuer für Nicht-Muslime, zahlen, waren aber von der Steuer befreit, die Muslime zahlen mussten (Zakat). [76] Die Normannen griffen Malta im Zuge der Eroberung Siziliens 1091 an. [77] Der normannische Führer, Roger I. von Sizilien, wurde von christlichen Gefangenen begrüßt. [30] Die Vorstellung, dass Graf Roger I Berichten zufolge einen Teil seiner karierten rot-weißen Fahne abgerissen und den Maltesern dankbar gemacht hatte, dass er für ihn gekämpft hatte und die Grundlage der modernen Flagge Maltas bildete, ist im Mythos begründet. [30] [78] Die normannische Zeit war produktiv; Malta wurde Teil des neu gebildeten Königreichs Sizilien, das auch die Insel Sizilien und die südliche Hälfte der italienischen Halbinsel bedeckte. [30] Die katholische Kirche wurde als Staatsreligion mit Malta unter dem See von Palermo wiedereingesetzt, und einige normannische Architektur entstand vor allem in ihrer alten Hauptstadt Mdina. [30] Tancred, König von Sizilien, der zweite Der letzte normannische Monarch machte Malta zu einem Lehen des Königreichs und errichtete 1192 einen Grafen von Malta. Da die Inseln aufgrund ihrer strategischen Bedeutung sehr erwünscht waren, wurden die Männer von Malta zu dieser Zeit militarisiert, um Eroberungsversuche abzuwehren. Frühere Grafen waren erfahrene genuesische Privatleute. [30] Das Königreich ging von 1194 bis 1266 an die Dynastie Hohenstaufen über. In dieser Zeit begann Friedrich II. von Hohenstaufen mit der Umgestaltung seines sizilianischen Königreichs Western Kultur und Religion begannen ihren Einfluss intensiver auszuüben. [79] Malta wurde zur Grafschaft und zum Marquis erklärt, aber sein Handel war völlig ruiniert. Es blieb lange Zeit nur eine befestigte Garnison. [80] Im Jahre 1224 kam es zu einer Massenvertreibung von Arabern, und die gesamte christliche männliche Bevölkerung von Celano in den Abruzzen wurde im selben Jahr nach Malta deportiert. [30] Friedrich II., Der Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, ordnete 1249 an, dass alle verbliebenen Muslime aus Malta vertrieben werden [81] oder zur Konvertierung gezwungen wurden. [82] [83] Für kurze Zeit ging das Königreich an das Capetian House of Anjou, [84] über, aber die hohen Steuern machten die Dynastie in Malta unpopulär, was zum Teil auf den Krieg von Charles von Anjou gegen die Republik Genua und die Insel zurückzuführen war von Gozo wurde 1275 entlassen. [30] Eine große Revolte gegen Sizilien, die als sizilianische Vesper bekannt war, folgte diesen Angriffen, eine Revolte, bei der sich die Halbinsel in das Königreich Neapel trennte. Zitat erforderlich Malta wurde vom Haus Barcelona, einer aragonesischen Dynastie von 1282 bis 1409, regiert. [85] . Die Aragonesen unterstützten die maltesischen Aufständischen in der sizilianischen Vesper in einer Seeschlacht in Grand Harbour im Jahr 1283. [86] Verwandte der Könige von Aragon beherrschten die Insel bis 1409, als sie formell an die Krone von Aragonien gelangte. Zu Beginn der aragonesischen Herrschaft erhielten die Söhne der Monarchie den Titel "Graf von Malta". In dieser Zeit wurde ein Großteil des örtlichen Adels geschaffen. Im Jahr 1397 wurde der Titel "Graf von Malta" auf feudale Basis gestellt, wobei zwei Familien um die Unterscheidung kämpften, was zu Konflikten führte. Dies führte dazu, dass Martin I von Sizilien den Titel abschaffte. Streit um den Titel kehrte zurück, als der Titel einige Jahre später wiedereingesetzt wurde und die Malteser, angeführt vom örtlichen Adel, gegen Graf Gonsalvo Monroy erhoben wurden. [30] Obwohl sie sich dem Grafen widersetzten, bekundeten die Malteser ihre Loyalität gegenüber der sizilianischen Krone, die Alfonso V. von Aragon so beeindruckte, dass er das Volk nicht für ihre Rebellion bestrafte. Stattdessen versprach er, den Titel niemals an Dritte zu vergeben, und baute ihn wieder in die Krone ein. Die Stadt Mdina erhielt den Titel Città Notabile als Ergebnis dieser Abfolge von Ereignissen. [30] Am 23. März 1530, [87] Charles Der heilige römische Kaiser V. übergab die Inseln dem Ritterhospitäller unter der Führung des Franzosen Philippe Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Großmeister des Ordens, [88] [89] [89] auf ewig Pachtvertrag, für den sie einen jährlichen Tribut eines einzigen Malteserfalken zahlen mussten. [90] [91] [19656018] [92] [196560187] [93] [196560688] 19460379] [96] Diese Ritter, eine militärische religiöse Ordnung, die jetzt als Malteser Ritter bekannt ist, wurden 1522 vom Osmanischen Reich aus Rhodos vertrieben. 19459253 [97] Geschichte [ edit ]
Vorgeschichte [ edit ]
Griechen, Phönizier, Karthager und Römer edit ]
Arabische Periode und das Mittelalter edit ] 19659010]
Der muslimische Chronist und Geograph al-Himyari berichtet, dass die arabischen Invasoren nach einem gewaltsamen Kampf gegen die besetzten Byzantiner im Jahr 870 n. Chr. Zuerst von Halaf al-Hadim und später von Sawada ibn Muhammad [73] angeführt wurden ] plünderte und plünderte die Insel, zerstörte die wichtigsten Gebäude und ließ sie praktisch unbewohnt, bis sie von den Arabern aus Sizilien in den Jahren 1048–1049 uZ wiederbesiedelt wurde. [73] Es ist ungewiss, ob diese Neuansiedlung als Folge der demografischen Expansion in Sizilien, als Folge eines höheren Lebensstandards in Sizilien (in dem Fall die Rekolonisierung einige Jahrzehnte früher stattgefunden haben könnte) oder als Folge von Sizilien stattgefunden hat Bürgerkrieg, der 1038 unter den arabischen Machthabern Siziliens ausbrach. [74]
Die arabische Agrarrevolution führte neue Bewässerung ein, einige Früchte und Baumwolle, und die sizulo-arabische Sprache wurde von Sizilien auf der Insel übernommen. es sollte sich schließlich in die maltesische Sprache entwickeln. [75] Eroberung durch die Normannen edit ]
Krone von Aragon und die Ritter von Malta [ edit ]
Die Ordnung des Hl. Johannes (auch bekannt als Ritter Hospitaller oder die Ritter von Malta) waren zwischen 1530 und 1798 die Herrscher von Malta und Gozo. [98] In dieser Zeit nahm die strategische und militärische Bedeutung der Insel stark zu, als die kleine, aber effiziente Flotte des Johanniterordens ihre Angriffe von dieser neuen Basis aus startete, die auf die Schifffahrtswege der osmanischen Gebiete um das Mittelmeer abzielte. [98] [99]
Im Jahr 1551 wurde die Bevölkerung der Insel Gozo (etwa 5.000 Personen) von Barbary Piraten als Sklaven genommen und im heutigen Libyen an die Barbary Coast gebracht. [100] [ erforderliche Zitierung .
Die Ritter, angeführt von dem Franzosen Jean Parisot de Valette, Großmeister des Ordens, widersetzten sich 1565 der großen Belagerung Maltas durch die Osmanen. [89] Die Ritter waren mit Hilfe spanischer und maltesischer Streitkräfte siegreich und schlugen den Angriff ab. In der Schlacht sagte Voltaire: "Nichts ist besser bekannt als die Belagerung Maltas." [101] [102] Nach der Belagerung beschlossen sie, die Festungen Maltas vor allem im Innenhafen zu vergrößern Gebiet, wo die neue Stadt Valletta, zu Ehren Valettes benannt, erbaut wurde. Sie errichteten auch Wachtürme an den Küsten - die Türme Wignacourt, Lascaris und De Redin -, die nach den Großmeistern benannt wurden, die die Arbeiten in Auftrag gegeben hatten. Die Präsenz der Ritter auf der Insel sah die Fertigstellung vieler architektonischer und kultureller Projekte vor, einschließlich der Verschönerung von Città Vittoriosa (dem modernen Birgu) und dem Bau neuer Städte, darunter Città Rohan (modernes Żebbuġ). Zebbug ist eine der ältesten Städte Maltas und hat auch einen der größten Plätze Maltas.
Città Hompesch (moderne Żabbar) ist ein sehr altes Dorf. Approximately 11,000 people out of a population of 60,000 died of plague in 1675.[103]
French period[edit]
The Knights' reign ended when Napoleon captured Malta on his way to Egypt during the French Revolutionary Wars in 1798. Over the years preceding Napoleon's capture of the islands, the power of the Knights had declined and the Order had become unpopular. This was around the time when the universal values of freedom and liberty were incarnated by the French Revolution. People from both inside the Order and outside appealed to Napoleon Bonaparte to oust the Knights. Napoleon Bonaparte did not hesitate. His fleet arrived in 1798, en route to his expedition of Egypt. As a ruse towards the Knights, Napoleon asked for safe harbour to resupply his ships, and then turned his guns against his hosts once safely inside Valletta. Grand Master Hompesch capitulated, and Napoleon entered Malta.[104]
During 12–18 June 1798, Napoleon resided at the Palazzo Parisio in Valletta.[105][106][107] He reformed national administration with the creation of a Government Commission, twelve municipalities, a public finance administration, the abolition of all feudal rights and privileges, the abolition of slavery and the granting of freedom to all Turkish and Jewish slaves.[108][109] On the judicial level, a family code was framed and twelve judges were nominated. Public education was organised along principles laid down by Bonaparte himself, providing for primary and secondary education.[109][110] He then sailed for Egypt leaving a substantial garrison in Malta.[111]
The French forces left behind became unpopular with the Maltese, due particularly to the French forces' hostility towards Catholicism and pillaging of local churches to fund Napoleon's war efforts. French financial and religious policies so angered the Maltese that they rebelled, forcing the French to depart. Great Britain, along with the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of Sicily, sent ammunition and aid to the Maltese and Britain also sent her navy, which blockaded the islands.[109]
General Claude-Henri Belgrand de Vaubois surrendered his French forces in 1800.[109] Maltese leaders presented the island to Sir Alexander Ball, asking that the island become a British Dominion. The Maltese people created a Declaration of Rights in which they agreed to come "under the protection and sovereignty of the King of the free people, His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland". The Declaration also stated that "his Majesty has no right to cede these Islands to any power...if he chooses to withdraw his protection, and abandon his sovereignty, the right of electing another sovereign, or of the governing of these Islands, belongs to us, the inhabitants and aborigines alone, and without control."[109][112]
British Empire and the Second World War[edit]
In 1814, as part of the Treaty of Paris,[109][113] Malta officially became a part of the British Empire and was used as a shipping way-station and fleet headquarters. After the Suez Canal opened in 1869, Malta's position halfway between the Strait of Gibraltar and Egypt proved to be its main asset, and it was considered an important stop on the way to India, a central trade route for the British. Because of its position, several culinary and botanical products were introduced in Malta; some examples (derived from the National Book of Trade Customs found in the National Library) include wheat (for bread making) and bacon.[citation needed]
Between 1915 and 1918, during the First World War, Malta became known as the Nurse of the Mediterranean due to the large number of wounded soldiers who were accommodated in Malta.[114] In 1919 British troops fired on a rally protesting against new taxes, killing four Maltese men. The event, known as Sette Giugno (Italian for 7 June), is commemorated every year and is one of five National Days.[115][116]
Before the Second World War, Valletta was the location of the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet's headquarters. However, despite Winston Churchill's objections,[117] the command was moved to Alexandria, Egypt, in April 1937 out of fear that it was too susceptible to air attacks from Europe.[117][118][119]
During the Second World War, Malta played an important role for the Allies; being a British colony, situated close to Sicily and the Axis shipping lanes, Malta was bombarded by the Italian and German air forces. Malta was used by the British to launch attacks on the Italian navy and had a submarine base. It was also used as a listening post, intercepting German radio messages including Enigma traffic.[120] The bravery of the Maltese people during the second Siege of Malta moved King George VI to award the George Cross to Malta on a collective basis on 15 April 1942 "to bear witness to a heroism and devotion that will long be famous in history". Some historians argue that the award caused Britain to incur disproportionate losses in defending Malta, as British credibility would have suffered if Malta surrendered, as British forces in Singapore had done.[121] A depiction of the George Cross now appears in the upper hoist corner of the Flag of Malta. The collective award remained unique until April 1999, when the Royal Ulster Constabulary became the second – and, to date, the only other – recipient of a collective George Cross.[122]
Independence and Republic[edit]
Malta achieved its independence as the State of Malta on 21 September 1964 (Independence Day) after intense negotiations with the United Kingdom, led by Maltese Prime Minister George Borġ Olivier. Under its 1964 constitution, Malta initially retained Queen Elizabeth II as Queen of Malta and thus head of state, with a governor-general exercising executive authority on her behalf. In 1971, the Malta Labour Party led by Dom Mintoff won the general elections, resulting in Malta declaring itself a republic on 13 December 1974 (Republic Day) within the Commonwealth, with the President as head of state. A defence agreement was signed soon after independence, and after being re-negotiated in 1972, expired on 31 March 1979.[123] Upon its expiry, the British base closed down and all lands formerly controlled by the British on the island were given up to the Maltese government.[124]
Malta adopted a policy of neutrality in 1980.[125] In 1989, Malta was the venue of a summit between US President George H.W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, their first face-to-face encounter, which signalled the end of the Cold War.[126]
On 16 July 1990, Malta, through its foreign minister, Guido de Marco, applied to join the European Union.[127] After tough negotiations, a referendum was held on 8 March 2003, which resulted in a favourable vote.[128] General Elections held on 12 April 2003, gave a clear mandate to the Prime Minister, Eddie Fenech Adami, to sign the treaty of accession to the European Union on 16 April 2003 in Athens, Greece.[129]
Malta joined the European Union on 1 May 2004.[130] Following the European Council of 21–22 June 2007, Malta joined the eurozone on 1 January 2008.[131]
Malta is a republic[22] whose parliamentary system and public administration are closely modelled on the Westminster system. Malta had the second-highest voter turnout in the world (and the highest for nations without mandatory voting), based on election turnout in national lower house elections from 1960 to 1995.[132] The unicameral Parliament is made up of the President and the House of Representatives (Maltese: Kamra tad-Deputati), which is elected by direct universal suffrage through single transferable vote every five years, unless the House is dissolved earlier by the President either on advice of the Prime Minister or through the adoption of a motion of no confidence carried within the House of Representatives and not overturned within three days. In either of these cases, the President may alternatively choose to invite another Member of Parliament who invariably should command the majority of the House of Representatives to form an alternative government for the remainder of the legislature.
The House of Representatives is nominally made up of 65 members of parliament whereby 5 members of parliament are elected from each of the thirteen electoral districts. However, where a party wins an absolute majority of votes, but does not have a majority of seats, that party is given additional seats to ensure a parliamentary majority. The 80th article of the Constitution of Malta provides that the president appoint as prime minister "... the member of the House of Representatives who, in his judgment, is best able to command the support of a majority of the members of that House".[22]
The President of Malta is appointed for a five-year term by a resolution of the House of Representatives carried by a simple majority. The role of the president as head of state is largely ceremonial. The main political parties are the Nationalist Party, which is a Christian democratic party, and the Labour Party, which is a social democratic party. As of 2018 the Labour Party is at the helm of the government, the Prime Minister being Joseph Muscat. The Nationalist Party, with Adrian Delia as its leader, is in opposition. The Democratic Party is the only small party which has two seats in parliament; the seats were gained when the Democratic Party contested under the Nationalist Party candidate grouping in the 2017 elections but this arrangement was later terminated in that same year. There are small political parties in Malta which have no parliamentary representation.
Until the Second World War, Maltese politics was dominated by the language question fought out by Italophone and Anglophone parties.[133] Post-war politics dealt with constitutional questions on the relations with Britain (first with integration then independence) and, eventually, relations with the European Union.
Administrative divisions[edit]
Malta has had a system of local government since 1993,[134] based on the European Charter of Local Self-Government. The country is divided into five regions (one of them being Gozo), with each region having its own Regional Committee, serving as the intermediate level between local government and national government.[135] The regions are divided into local councils, of which there are currently 68 (54 in Malta and 14 in Gozo). Sixteen "hamlets", which form part of larger councils, have their own Administrative Committee. The six districts (five on Malta and the sixth being Gozo) serve primarily statistical purposes.[136]
Each council is made up of a number of councillors (from 5 to 13, depending on and relative to the population they represent). A mayor and a deputy mayor are elected by and from the councillors. The executive secretary, who is appointed by the council, is the executive, administrative and financial head of the council. Councillors are elected every four years through the single transferable vote. People who are eligible to vote in the election of the Maltese House of Representatives as well as resident citizens of the EU are eligible to vote. Due to system reforms, no elections were held before 2012. Since then, elections have been held every two years for an alternating half of the councils.
Local councils are responsible for the general upkeep and embellishment of the locality (including repairs to non-arterial roads), allocation of local wardens and refuse collection; they also carry out general administrative duties for the central government such as collection of government rents and funds and answer government-related public inquiries. Additionally, a number of individual towns and villages in the Republic of Malta have sister cities.
The objectives of the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) are to maintain a military organisation with the primary aim of defending the islands' integrity according to the defence roles as set by the government in an efficient and cost-effective manner. This is achieved by emphasising the maintenance of Malta's territorial waters and airspace integrity.[citation needed]
The AFM also engages in combating terrorism, fighting against illicit drug trafficking, conducting anti-illegal immigrant operations and patrols and anti-illegal fishing operations, operating search and rescue (SAR) services, and physical or electronic security and surveillance of sensitive locations. Malta's search-and-rescue area extends from east of Tunisia to west of Crete, covering an area of around 250,000 km2.[citation needed]
As a military organisation, the AFM provides backup support to the Malta Police Force (MPF) and other government departments/agencies in situations as required in an organised, disciplined manner in the event of national emergencies (such as natural disasters) or internal security and bomb disposal.[137]
On another level, the AFM establishes or consolidates bilateral co-operation with other countries to reach higher operational effectiveness related to AFM roles.[citation needed]
Malta is an archipelago in the central Mediterranean (in its eastern basin), some 80 km (50 mi) south of the Italian island of Sicily across the Malta Channel. Only the three largest islands – Malta (Malta), Gozo (Għawdex) and Comino (Kemmuna) – are inhabited. The smaller islands (see below) are uninhabited. The islands of the archipelago lie on the Malta plateau, a shallow shelf formed from the high points of a land bridge between Sicily and North Africa that became isolated as sea levels rose after the last Ice Age.[138] The archipelago is therefore situated in the zone between the Eurasian and African tectonic plates.[139][140]
Malta was considered an island of North Africa for centuries.[141]
Numerous bays along the indented coastline of the islands provide good harbours. The landscape consists of low hills with terraced fields. The highest point in Malta is Ta' Dmejrek, at 253 m (830 ft), near Dingli. Although there are some small rivers at times of high rainfall, there are no permanent rivers or lakes on Malta. However, some watercourses have fresh water running all year round at Baħrija near Ras ir-Raħeb, at l-Imtaħleb and San Martin, and at Lunzjata Valley in Gozo.
Phytogeographically, Malta belongs to the Liguro-Tyrrhenian province of the Mediterranean Region within the Boreal Kingdom. According to the WWF, the territory of Malta belongs to the ecoregion of "Mediterranean Forests, Woodlands and Scrub".[142]
The minor islands that form part of the archipelago are uninhabited and include:
Malta has a Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification Csa),[23][143] with mild winters and hot summers, hotter in the inland areas. Rain occurs mainly in autumn and winter, with summer being generally dry.
The average yearly temperature is around 23 °C (73 °F) during the day and 15.5 °C (59.9 °F) at night. In the coldest month – January – the typical maximum temperature ranges from 12 to 18 °C (54 to 64 °F) during the day and minimum 6 to 12 °C (43 to 54 °F) at night. In the warmest month – August – the typical maximum temperature ranges from 28 to 34 °C (82 to 93 °F) during the day and minimum 20 to 24 °C (68 to 75 °F) at night. Amongst all capitals in the continent of Europe, Valletta – the capital of Malta has the warmest winters, with average temperatures of around 15 to 16 °C (59 to 61 °F) during the day and 9 to 10 °C (48 to 50 °F) at night in the period January–February. In March and December average temperatures are around 17 °C (63 °F) during the day and 11 °C (52 °F) at night.[144] Large fluctuations in temperature are rare. Snow is very rare on the island, although various snowfalls have been recorded in the last century, the last one reported in various locations across Malta in 2014.[145]
The average annual sea temperature is 20 °C (68 °F), from 15–16 °C (59–61 °F) in February to 26 °C (79 °F) in August. In the 6 months – from June to November – the average sea temperature exceeds 20 °C (68 °F).[146][147][148]
The annual average relative humidity is high, averaging 75%, ranging from 65% in July (morning: 78% evening: 53%) to 80% in December (morning: 83% evening: 73%).[149]
Sunshine duration hours total around 3,000 per year, from an average 5.2 hours of sunshine duration per day in December to an average above 12 hours in July.[147][150] This is about double that of cities in the northern half of Europe, for comparison: London – 1,461;[151] however, in winter it has up to four times more sunshine; for comparison: in December, London has 37 hours of sunshine[151] whereas Malta has above 160.
Climate data for Malta (Luqa in the south-east part of main island, 1981–2010) | |||||||||||||
Month | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
Average high °C (°F) | 15.6 (60.1) | 15.6 (60.1) | 17.3 (63.1) | 19.8 (67.6) | 24.1 (75.4) | 28.6 (83.5) | 31.5 (88.7) | 31.8 (89.2) | 28.5 (83.3) | 25.0 (77.0) | 20.7 (69.3) | 17.1 (62.8) | 23.0 (73.4) |
Daily mean °C (°F) | 12.8 (55.0) | 12.5 (54.5) | 13.9 (57.0) | 16.1 (61.0) | 19.8 (67.6) | 23.9 (75.0) | 26.6 (79.9) | 27.2 (81.0) | 24.7 (76.5) | 21.5 (70.7) | 17.7 (63.9) | 14.4 (57.9) | 19.3 (66.7) |
Average low °C (°F) | 9.9 (49.8) | 9.4 (48.9) | 10.6 (51.1) | 12.4 (54.3) | 15.5 (59.9) | 19.1 (66.4) | 21.7 (71.1) | 22.6 (72.7) | 20.8 (69.4) | 18.1 (64.6) | 14.6 (58.3) | 11.6 (52.9) | 15.5 (59.9) |
Average precipitation mm (inches) | 98.5 (3.88) | 60.1 (2.37) | 44.2 (1.74) | 20.7 (0.81) | 16.0 (0.63) | 4.6 (0.18) | 0.3 (0.01) | 12.8 (0.50) | 58.6 (2.31) | 82.9 (3.26) | 92.3 (3.63) | 109.2 (4.30) | 595.8 (23.46) |
Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm) | 10 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 58 |
Mean monthly sunshine hours | 176.7 | 194.3 | 235.6 | 261.0 | 310.0 | 351.0 | 384.4 | 362.7 | 282.0 | 220.1 | 189.0 | 164.3 | 3,131.1 |
Source: Meteo Climate (1981–2010 Data),[152] (Sun Data)[153] |
According to Eurostat, Malta is composed of two larger urban zones nominally referred to as "Valletta" (the main island of Malta) and "Gozo". According to Demographia, state[clarification needed] is identified as an urban area.[154] According to European Spatial Planning Observation Network, Malta is identified as functional urban area (FUA).[155] According to United Nations, about 95 per cent of the area of Malta is urban and the number grows every year.[156] Also, according to the results of ESPON and EU Commission studies, "the whole territory of Malta constitutes a single urban region".[157]
Occasionally in the media and official publications Malta is referred to as a city-state.[158][159] Also, the Maltese coat-of-arms bears a mural crown described as "representing the fortifications of Malta and denoting a City State".[160] Malta, with area of 316 km2 (122 sq mi) and population of 0.4 million, is one of the most densely populated countries worldwide.
| |||||||||
Rank | Name | Region | Pop. | ||||||
Saint Paul's Bay | 1 | Birkirkara | Central | 22,247 | Sliema | ||||
2 | Saint Paul's Bay | Northern | 21,046 | ||||||
3 | Mosta | Northern | 20,241 | ||||||
4 | Sliema | Central | 16,854 | ||||||
5 | Qormi | Southern | 16,779 | ||||||
6 | Żabbar | South Eastern | 15,404 | ||||||
7 | Naxxar | Northern | 13,443 | ||||||
8 | San Ġwann | Central | 12,523 | ||||||
9 | Marsaskala | South Eastern | 12,134 | ||||||
10 | Żebbuġ | Southern | 11,903 |
The Maltese islands are home to a wide diversity of indigenous, sub-endemic and endemic plants. They feature many traits typical of a Mediterranean climate, such as drought resistance. The most common indigenous trees on the islands are olive (Olea europaea), carob (Ceratonia siliqua), fig (ficus carica), holm oak (Quericus ilex) and Aleppo pine (Pinus halpensis), while the most common non-native trees are eucalyptus, acacia and opuntia. Endemic plants include the national flower widnet il-baħar (Cheirolophus crassifolius), sempreviva ta' Malta (Helichrysum melitense), żigland t' Għawdex (Hyoseris frutescens) and ġiżi ta' Malta (Matthiola incana subsp. melitensis) while sub-endemics include kromb il-baħar (Jacobaea maritima subsp. sicula) and xkattapietra (Micromeria microphylla).[161] The flora and biodiversity of Malta is severely endangered by habitat loss, invasive species and human intervention.[162]
Malta is classified as an advanced economy together with 32 other countries according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).[163] Until 1800 Malta depended on cotton, tobacco and its shipyards for exports. Once under British control, they came to depend on Malta Dockyard for support of the Royal Navy, especially during the Crimean War of 1854. The military base benefited craftsmen and all those who served the military.
In 1869, the opening of the Suez Canal gave Malta's economy a great boost, as there was a massive increase in the shipping which entered the port. Ships stopping at Malta's docks for refuelling helped the Entrepôt trade, which brought additional benefits to the island.
However, towards the end of the 19th century the economy began declining, and by the 1940s Malta's economy was in serious crisis. One factor was the longer range of newer merchant ships that required less frequent refuelling stops.
Currently, Malta's major resources are limestone, a favourable geographic location and a productive labour force. Malta produces only about 20 per cent of its food needs, has limited freshwater supplies because of the drought in the summer and has no domestic energy sources, aside from the potential for solar energy from its plentiful sunlight. The economy is dependent on foreign trade (serving as a freight trans-shipment point), manufacturing (especially electronics and textiles) and tourism.
Film production is a growing contributor to the Maltese economy.[164] The first film was shot in Malta in 1925 (Sons of the Sea);[165] over 100 feature films have been entirely or partially filmed in the country since then. Malta has served as a "double" for a wide variety of locations and historic periods including Ancient Greece, Ancient and Modern Rome, Iraq, the Middle East and many more.[166] The Maltese government introduced financial incentives for filmmakers in 2005.[167] The current financial incentives to foreign productions as of 2015 stand at 25 per cent with an additional 2 per cent if Malta stands in as Malta; meaning a production can get up to 27 per cent back on their eligible spending incurred in Malta.[168]
The government is investing heavily in education, including college.
In preparation for Malta's membership in the European Union, which it joined on 1 May 2004, it privatised some state-controlled firms and liberalised markets. For example, the government announced on 8 January 2007 that it was selling its 40 per cent stake in MaltaPost, to complete a privatisation process which has been ongoing for the past five years. In 2010, Malta managed to privatise telecommunications, postal services, shipyards and shipbuilding.
Malta has a financial regulator, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), with a strong business development mindset, and the country has been successful in attracting gaming businesses, aircraft and ship registration, credit-card issuing banking licences and also fund administration. Service providers to these industries, including fiduciary and trustee business, are a core part of the growth strategy of the island. Malta has made strong headway in implementing EU Financial Services Directives including UCITs IV and soon AIFMD. As a base for alternative asset managers who must comply with new directives, Malta has attracted a number of key players including IDS, Iconic Funds, Apex Fund Services and TMF/Customs House.[169]
Malta and Tunisia are currently discussing the commercial exploitation of the continental shelf between their countries, particularly for petroleum exploration. These discussions are also undergoing between Malta and Libya for similar arrangements.
Malta does not have a property tax. Its property market, especially around the harbour area, has been in constant boom, with the prices of apartments in some towns like St Julian's, Sliema and Gzira skyrocketing.[170]
According to Eurostat data, Maltese GDP per capita stood at 88 per cent of the EU average in 2015 with €21,000.[171]
Banking and finance[edit]
The two largest commercial banks are Bank of Valletta and HSBC Bank Malta, both of which can trace their origins back to the 19th century.
The Central Bank of Malta (Bank Ċentrali ta' Malta) has two key areas of responsibility: the formulation and implementation of monetary policy and the promotion of a sound and efficient financial system. It was established by the Central Bank of Malta Act on 17 April 1968. The Maltese government entered ERM II on 4 May 2005, and adopted the euro as the country's currency on 1 January 2008.[172]
FinanceMalta is the quasi-governmental organisation tasked with marketing and educating business leaders in coming to Malta and runs seminars and events around the world highlighting the emerging strength of Malta as a jurisdiction for banking and finance and insurance.[173]
Traffic in Malta drives on the left. Car ownership in Malta is exceedingly high, considering the very small size of the islands; it is the fourth-highest in the European Union. The number of registered cars in 1990 amounted to 182,254, giving an automobile density of
577/km2 ( 1,494/sq mi).[174]Malta has 2,254 kilometres (1,401 miles) of road, 1,972 km (1,225 mi) (87.5 per cent) of which are paved and 282 km (175 mi) were unpaved (as of December 2003).[175]
The main roads of Malta from the southernmost point to the northernmost point are these: Triq Birżebbuġa in Birżebbuġa, Għar Dalam Road and Tal-Barrani Road in Żejtun, Santa Luċija Avenue in Paola, Aldo Moro Street (Trunk Road), 13 December Street and Ħamrun-Marsa Bypass in Marsa, Regional Road in Santa Venera/Msida/Gżira/San Ġwann, St Andrew's Road in Swieqi/Pembroke, Malta, Coast Road in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq, Salina Road, Kennedy Drive, St. Paul's Bypass and Xemxija Hill in San Pawl il-Baħar, Mistra Hill, Wettinger Street (Mellieħa Bypass) and Marfa Road in Mellieħa.
Buses (xarabank or karozza tal-linja) are the primary method of public transport. Established in 1905, they operated in the Maltese islands up to 2011 and became popular tourist attractions in their own right.[176] To this day they are depicted on many Maltese advertisements to promote tourism as well as on gifts and merchandise for tourists.
The bus service underwent an extensive reform in July 2011. The management structure changed from having self-employed drivers driving their own vehicles to a service being offered by a single company through a public tender (in Gozo, being considered as a small network, the service was given through direct order).[177] The public tender was won by Arriva Malta, a member of the Arriva group, which introduced a fleet of brand new buses, built by King Long especially for service by Arriva Malta and including a smaller fleet of articulated buses brought in from Arriva London. It also operated two smaller buses for an intra-Valletta route only and 61 nine-metre buses, which were used to ease congestion on high density routes. Overall Arriva Malta operated 264 buses. On 1 January 2014 Arriva ceased operations in Malta due to financial difficulties, having been nationalised as Malta Public Transport by the Maltese government, with a new bus operator planned to take over their operations in the near future.[178][179] The government chose Autobuses Urbanos de León as its preferred bus operator for the country in October 2014.[180] The company took over the bus service on 8 January 2015, while retaining the name Malta Public Transport.[181] It introduced the pre-pay 'tallinja card'. With lower fares than the walk-on rate, it can be topped up online. The card was initially not well received, as reported by several local news sites.[182] During the first week of August 2015, another 40 buses of the Turkish make Otokar arrived and were put into service.[183]
From 1883 to 1931 Malta had a railway line that connected Valletta to the army barracks at Mtarfa via Mdina and a number of towns and villages. The railway fell into disuse and eventually closed altogether, following the introduction of electric trams and buses.[184] At the height of the bombing of Malta during the Second World War, Mussolini announced that his forces had destroyed the railway system, but by the time war broke out, the railway had been mothballed for more than nine years.
Malta has three large natural harbours on its main island:
There are also two-man-made harbours that serve a passenger and car ferry service that connects Ċirkewwa Harbour on Malta and Mġarr Harbour on Gozo. The ferry makes numerous runs each day.
Malta International Airport (Ajruport Internazzjonali ta' Malta) is the only airport serving the Maltese islands. It is built on the land formerly occupied by the RAF Luqa air base. A heliport is also located there, but the scheduled service to Gozo ceased in 2006. The heliport in Gozo is at Xewkija. Since June 2007, Harbour Air Malta has operated a thrice-daily floatplane service between the sea terminal in Grand Harbour and Mgarr Harbour in Gozo.
Two further airfields at Ta' Qali and Ħal Far operated during the Second World War and into the 1960s but are now closed. Today, Ta' Qali houses a national park, stadium, the Crafts Village visitor attraction and the Malta Aviation Museum. This museum preserves several aircraft, including Hurricane and Spitfire fighters that defended the island in the Second World War.
The national airline is Air Malta, which is based at Malta International Airport and operates services to 36 destinations in Europe and North Africa. The owners of Air Malta are the Government of Malta (98 per cent) and private investors (2 percent). Air Malta employs 1,547 staff. It has a 25 per cent shareholding in Medavia.
Air Malta has concluded over 191 interline ticketing agreements with other IATA airlines. It also has a codeshare agreement with Qantas covering three routes. In September 2007, Air Malta made two agreements with Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airways by which Air Malta wet-leased two Airbus aircraft to Etihad Airways for the winter period starting 1 September 2007, and provided operational support on another Airbus A320 aircraft which it leased to Etihad Airways.
The mobile penetration rate in Malta exceeded 100% by the end of 2009.[186] Malta uses the GSM900, UMTS(3G) and LTE(4G) mobile phone systems, which are compatible with the rest of the European countries, Australia and New Zealand.
Telephone and cellular subscribers' numbers have eight digits. There are no area codes in Malta, but after inception, the original first two numbers, and currently the 3rd and 4th digit, were assigned according to the locality. Fixed line telephone numbers have the prefix 21 and 27, although businesses may have numbers starting 22 or 23. An example would be 2*80**** if from Żabbar, and 2*23**** if from Marsa. Gozitan landline numbers generally are assigned 2*56****. Mobile telephone numbers have the prefix 77, 79, 98 or 99. When calling Malta from abroad, one must first dial the international access code, then the country code +356 and the subscriber's number.
The number of pay TV subscribers fell as customers switched to Internet Protocol television (IPTV): the number of IPTV subscribers doubled in the six months to June 2012.
In late 2012, GO began expanding its fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) network and capabilities, offering speeds of up to 200Mbit/s for its 'rapido' service.
In early 2012, the government called for a national FttH network to be built, with a minimum broadband service being upgraded from 4Mbit/s to 100Mbit/s.[187]
Maltese euro coins feature the Maltese cross on €2 and €1 coins, the coat of arms of Malta on the €0.50, €0.20 and €0.10 coins, and the Mnajdra Temples on the €0.05, €0.02 and €0.01 coins.[188]
Malta has produced collectors' coins with face value ranging from 10 to 50 euro. These coins continue an existing national practice of minting of silver and gold commemorative coins. Unlike normal issues, these coins are not accepted in all the eurozone. For instance, a €10 Maltese commemorative coin cannot be used in any other country.
From 1972 until introduction of the Euro in 2008, the currency was the Maltese lira, which had replaced the Maltese pound. The pound replaced the Maltese scudo in 1825.
Malta is a popular tourist destination, with 1.6 million tourists per year.[189] Three times more tourists visit than there are residents. Tourism infrastructure has increased dramatically over the years and a number of hotels are present on the island, although overdevelopment and the destruction of traditional housing is of growing concern. An increasing number of Maltese now travel abroad on holiday.[190]
In recent years, Malta has advertised itself as a medical tourism destination,[191] and a number of health tourism providers are developing the industry. However, no Maltese hospital has undergone independent international healthcare accreditation. Malta is popular with British medical tourists,[192] pointing Maltese hospitals towards seeking UK-sourced accreditation, such as with the Trent Accreditation Scheme.
Science and technology[edit]
Malta signed a co-operation agreement with the European Space Agency (ESA) for more-intensive co-operation in ESA projects.[193]
The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) is the civil body responsible for the development of science and technology on an educational and social level. Most science students in Malta graduate from the University of Malta and are represented by S-Cubed (Science Student's Society), UESA (University Engineering Students Association) and ICTSA (University of Malta ICT Students' Association).[194][195]
Census population and growth rate between censuses | ||
Year | Pop. | ±% |
1842 | 114,499 | — |
1851 | 123,496 | +7.9% |
1861 | 134,055 | +8.6% |
1871 | 141,775 | +5.8% |
1881 | 149,782 | +5.6% |
1891 | 165,037 | +10.2% |
1901 | 184,742 | +11.9% |
1911 | 211,564 | +14.5% |
1921 | 212,258 | +0.3% |
1931 | 241,621 | +13.8% |
1948 | 305,991 | +26.6% |
1957 | 319,620 | +4.5% |
1967 | 314,216 | −1.7% |
1985 | 345,418 | +9.9% |
1995 | 378,132 | +9.5% |
2005 | 404,962 | +7.1% |
2010 | 417,432 | +3.1% |
2016 | 460,297 | +10.3% |
Source:[196] |
Malta conducts a census of population and housing every ten years. The census held in November 2005 counted an estimated 96 per cent of the population.[197] A preliminary report was issued in April 2006 and the results were weighted to estimate for 100 per cent of the population.
Native Maltese people make up the majority of the island. However, there are minorities, the largest of which are Britons, many of whom are retirees.
The population of Malta as of July 2011[update] was estimated at 408,000.[23] As of 2005[update]17 per cent were aged 14 and under, 68 per cent were within the 15–64 age bracket whilst the remaining 13 per cent were 65 years and over. Malta's population density of 1,282 per square km (3,322/sq mi) is by far the highest in the EU and one of the highest in the world. By comparison, the average population density for the "World (land only, excluding Antarctica)" was 54 pop./km² as of July 2014.
The only census year showing a fall in population was that of 1967, with a 1.7 per cent total decrease, attributable to a substantial number of Maltese residents who emigrated.[198] The Maltese-resident population for 2004 was estimated to make up 97.0 per cent of the total resident population.[199]
All censuses since 1842 have shown a slight excess of females over males. The 1901 and 1911 censuses came closest to recording a balance. The highest female-to-male ratio was reached in 1957 (1088:1000) but since then the ratio has dropped continuously. The 2005 census showed a 1013:1000 female-to-male ratio.
Population growth has slowed down, from +9.5 per cent between the 1985 and 1995 censuses, to +6.9 per cent between the 1995 and 2005 censuses (a yearly average of +0.7 per cent). The birth rate stood at 3860 (a decrease of 21.8 per cent from the 1995 census) and the death rate stood at 3025. Thus, there was a natural population increase of 835 (compared to +888 for 2004, of which over a hundred were foreign residents).[200]
The population's age composition is similar to the age structure prevalent in the EU. Since 1967 there was observed a trend indicating an ageing population, and is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. Malta's old-age-dependency-ratio rose from 17.2 per cent in 1995 to 19.8 per cent in 2005, reasonably lower than the EU's 24.9 per cent average; 31.5 per cent of the Maltese population is aged under 25 (compared to the EU's 29.1 per cent); but the 50–64 age group constitutes 20.3 per cent of the population, significantly higher than the EU's 17.9 per cent. Malta's old-age-dependency-ratio is expected to continue rising steadily in the coming years.
Maltese legislation recognises both civil and canonical (ecclesiastical) marriages. Annulments by the ecclesiastical and civil courts are unrelated and are not necessarily mutually endorsed. Malta voted in favour of divorce legislation in a referendum held on 28 May 2011.[201] Abortion in Malta is illegal. A person must be 16 to marry.[202] The number of brides aged under 25 decreased from 1471 in 1997 to 766 in 2005; while the number of grooms under 25 decreased from 823 to 311. There is a constant trend that females are more likely than males to marry young. In 2005 there were 51 brides aged between 16 and 19, compared to 8 grooms.[200]
In 2018, the population of the Maltese Islands stood at 475,701.[203] At the moment, males slightly outnumber females. The largest proportion of persons were aged 30–39.
The total fertility rate (TFR) as of 2016[update] was estimated at 1.45 children born/woman, which is below the replacement rate of 2.1.[204] In 2012, 25.8 per cent of births were to unmarried women.[205] The life expectancy in 2016 was estimated at 81.80.[204]
The Maltese language (Maltese: Malti) is one of the two constitutional languages of Malta, having become official, however, only in 1934, and being considered as the national language. Previously, Sicilian was the official and cultural language of Malta from the 12th century, and Tuscan dialect of Italian from the 16th century. Alongside Maltese, English is also an official language of the country and hence the laws of the land are enacted both in Maltese and English. However, article 74 of the Constitution states that "... if there is any conflict between the Maltese and the English texts of any law, the Maltese text shall prevail."[22]
Maltese is a Semitic language descended from the now defunct Sicilian-Arabic (Siculo-Arabic) dialect (from southern Italy) that developed during the Emirate of Sicily.[206] The Maltese alphabet consists of 30 letters based on the Latin alphabet, including the diacritically altered letters żċ and ġas well as the letters għħand ie.
Maltese has a Semitic base with substantial borrowing from Sicilian, Italian, a little French, and more recently and increasingly, English.[207] The hybrid character of Maltese was established by a long period of Maltese-Sicilian urban bilingualism gradually transforming rural speech and which ended in the early 19th century with Maltese emerging as the vernacular of the entire native population. The language includes different dialects that can vary greatly from one town to another or from one island to another.
The Eurobarometer states that 97% per cent of the Maltese population consider Maltese as mother tongue. Also, 88 per cent of the population speak English, 66 per cent speak Italian, and 17 per cent speak French.[1] This widespread knowledge of second languages makes Malta one of the most multilingual countries in the European Union. A study collecting public opinion on what language was "preferred" discovered that 86 per cent of the population express a preference for Maltese, 12 per cent for English, and 2 per cent for Italian.[208] Still, Italian television channels from Italy-based broadcasters, such as Mediaset and RAI, reach Malta and remain popular.[208][209][210]
Maltese Sign Language is used by signers in Malta.[211]
(1) The religion of Malta is the Roman Catholic apostolic religion. (2) The authorities of the Roman Catholic apostolic church have the duty and the right to teach which principles are right and which are wrong. (3) Religious teaching of the Roman Catholic apostolic faith shall be provided in all state schools as part of compulsory education. |
Chapter 1, Article 2 of the Constitution of Malta[22] |
The predominant religion in Malta is Catholicism. The second article of the Constitution of Malta establishes Catholicism as the state religion and it is also reflected in various elements of Maltese culture, although entrenched provisions for the freedom of religion are made.[22]
There are more than 360 churches in Malta, Gozo and Comino, or one church for every 1,000 residents. The parish church (Maltese: "il-parroċċa"or "il-knisja parrokkjali") is the architectural and geographic focal point of every Maltese town and village, and its main source of civic pride. This civic pride manifests itself in spectacular fashion during the local village festaswhich mark the day of the patron saint of each parish with marching bands, religious processions, special Masses, fireworks (especially petards) and other festivities.
Malta is an Apostolic See; the Acts of the Apostles tells of how St. Paul, on his way from Jerusalem to Rome to face trial, was shipwrecked on the island of "Melite", which many Bible scholars identify with Malta, an episode dated around AD 60.[213] As recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul spent three months on the island on his way to Rome, curing the sick including the father of Publius, the "chief man of the island". Various traditions are associated with this account. The shipwreck is said to have occurred in the place today known as St Paul's Bay. The Maltese saint, Saint Publius is said to have been made Malta's first bishop and a grotto in Rabat, now known as "St Paul's Grotto" (and in the vicinity of which evidence of Christian burials and rituals from the 3rd century AD has been found), is among the earliest known places of Christian worship on the island.
Further evidence of Christian practices and beliefs during the period of Roman persecution appears in catacombs that lie beneath various sites around Malta, including St Paul's Catacombs and St Agatha's Catacombs in Rabat, just outside the walls of Mdina. The latter, in particular, were beautifully frescoed between 1200 and 1480, although marauding Turks defaced many of them in the 1550s. There are also a number of cave churches, including the grotto at Mellieħa, which is a Shrine of the Nativity of Our Lady where, according to legend, St. Luke painted a picture of the Madonna. It has been a place of pilgrimage since medieval times.
The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon record that in 451 AD a certain Acacius was Bishop of Malta (Melitenus Episcopus). It is also known that in 501 AD, a certain Constantinus, Episcopus Melitenensiswas present at the Fifth Ecumenical Council. In 588 AD, Pope Gregory I deposed Tucillus, Miletinae civitatis episcopus and the clergy and people of Malta elected his successor Trajan in 599 AD. The last recorded Bishop of Malta before the invasion of the islands was a Greek named Manas, who was subsequently incarcerated at Palermo.[214]
Maltese historian Giovanni Francesco Abela states that following their conversion to Christianity at the hand of St. Paul, the Maltese retained their Christian religion, despite the Fatimid invasion.[215] Abela's writings describe Malta as a divinely ordained "bulwark of Christian, European civilization against the spread of Mediterranean Islam".[216] The native Christian community that welcomed Roger I of Sicily[30] was further bolstered by immigration to Malta from Italy, in the 12th and 13th centuries.
For centuries, the Church in Malta was subordinate to the Diocese of Palermo, except when it was under Charles of Anjou, who appointed bishops for Malta, as did – on rare occasions – the Spanish and later, the Knights. Since 1808 all bishops of Malta have been Maltese. As a result of the Norman and Spanish periods, and the rule of the Knights, Malta became the devout Catholic nation that it is today. It is worth noting that the Office of the Inquisitor of Malta had a very long tenure on the island following its establishment in 1530: the last Inquisitor departed from the Islands in 1798, after the Knights capitulated to the forces of Napoleon Bonaparte. During the period of the Republic of Venice, several Maltese families emigrated to Corfu. Their descendants account for about two-thirds of the community of some 4,000 Catholics that now live on that island.
The patron saints of Malta are Saint Paul, Saint Publius and Saint Agatha. Although not a patron saint, St George Preca (San Ġorġ Preca) is greatly revered as the second canonised Maltese saint after St. Publius Malta's first acknowledged saint (canonised in the year 1634). Pope Benedict XVI canonised him on 3 June 2007. Also, a number of Maltese individuals are recognised as Blessed, including Maria Adeodata Pisani and Nazju Falzon, with Pope John Paul II having beatified them in 2001.
Various Catholic religious orders are present in Malta, including the Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans and Little Sisters of the Poor.
Most congregants of the local Protestant churches are not Maltese; their congregations draw on the many British retirees living in the country and vacationers from many other nations. There are approximately 600 Jehovah's Witnesses.[217]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), the Bible Baptist Church, and the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches each have about 60 affiliates. There are also some churches of other denominations, including St. Andrew's Scots Church in Valletta (a joint Presbyterian and Methodist congregation) and St Paul's Anglican Cathedral, and a Seventh-day Adventist church in Birkirkara. A New Apostolic Church congregation was founded in 1983 in Gwardamangia.[218]
The Jewish population of Malta reached its peak in the Middle Ages under Norman rule. In 1479, Malta and Sicily came under Aragonese rule and the Alhambra Decree of 1492 forced all Jews to leave the country, permitting them to take with them only a few of their belongings. Several dozen Maltese Jews may have converted to Christianity at the time to remain in the country. Today, there is one Jewish congregation.[218]
There is one Muslim mosque, the Mariam Al-Batool Mosque. A Muslim primary school recently opened. Of the estimated 3,000 Muslims in Malta, approximately 2,250 are foreigners, approximately 600 are naturalised citizens, and approximately 150 are native-born Maltese.[219]Zen Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith claim some 40 members.[218]
In a survey held by the Malta Today, it was found that approximately 4.5 per cent of the population of Malta gives no preference to any religious belief. The number of Atheists has exponentially grown, by doubling from 2014 to 2016. Non-religious people have a higher risk to suffer from discrimination, such as lack of trust by society and unequal treatment by institutions. In the 2015 edition of the annual Freedom of Thought Report from the International Humanist and Ethical Union, Malta was in the category of "severe discrimination". In 2016, following the abolishment of blasphemy law, Malta was shifted to the category of "systematic discrimination" (which is the same category as most EU countries).[220]
Inbound migration[edit]
Foreign population in Malta | |||||||||||||||||||
Year | Population | % total | |||||||||||||||||
2005 | 12,112 | 3.0% | |||||||||||||||||
2011 | 20,289 | 4.9% | |||||||||||||||||
2016 | 30,000+ | approx. 6.7% |
Most of the foreign community in Malta, predominantly active or retired British nationals and their dependents, is centred on Sliema and surrounding modern suburbs. Other smaller foreign groups include Italians, Libyans and Serbians, many of whom have assimilated into the Maltese nation over the decades.[221]
Since the late 20th century, Malta has become a transit country for migration routes from Africa towards Europe.[222]
As a member of the European Union and of the Schengen agreement, Malta is bound by the Dublin Regulation to process all claims for asylum by those asylum seekers that enter EU territory for the first time in Malta.[223]
Irregular migrants who land in Malta are subject to a compulsory detention policy, being held in several camps organised by the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM), including those near Ħal Far and Ħal Safi. The compulsory detention policy has been denounced by several NGOs, and in July 2010, the European Court of Human Rights found that Malta's detention of migrants was arbitrary, lacking in adequate procedures to challenge detention, and in breach of its obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights.[224][225]
In January 2014 Malta started granting citizenship for a €650,000 contribution plus investments, contingent on residence and criminal background requirements.[226]
Outbound migration[edit]
In the 19th century, most emigration from Malta was to North Africa and the Middle East, although rates of return migration to Malta were high.[227] Nonetheless, Maltese communities formed in these regions. By 1900, for example, British consular estimates suggest that there were 15,326 Maltese in Tunisia, and in 1903 it was claimed that 15,000 people of Maltese origin were living in Algeria.[228]
Malta experienced significant emigration as a result of the collapse of a construction boom in 1907 and after the Second World War, when the birth rate increased significantly, but in the 20th century most emigrants went to destinations in the New World, particularly to Australia, Canada and the United States. After the Second World War, Malta's Emigration Department would assist emigrants with the cost of their travel. Between 1948 and 1967, 30 per cent of the population emigrated.[227] Between 1946 and the late-1970s, over 140,000 people left Malta on the assisted passage scheme, with 57.6% migrating to Australia, 22% to the UK, 13% to Canada and 7% to the United States.[229]
Emigration dropped dramatically after the mid-1970s and has since ceased to be a social phenomenon of significance. However, since Malta joined the EU in 2004 expatriate communities emerged in a number of European countries particularly in Belgium and Luxembourg.
Primary schooling has been compulsory since 1946; secondary education up to the age of sixteen was made compulsory in 1971. The state and the Church provide education free of charge, both running a number of schools in Malta and Gozo, including De La Salle College in Cospicua, St. Aloysius' College in Birkirkara, St. Paul's Missionary College in Rabat, Malta, St. Joseph's School in Blata l-Bajda and Saint Monica Girls' School in Mosta. As of 2006[update]state schools are organised into networks known as Colleges and incorporate kindergarten schools, primary and secondary schools. A number of private schools are run in Malta, including San Andrea School and San Anton School in the valley of L-Imselliet (l/o Mġarr), St. Martin's College in Swatar and St. Michael's School in San Ġwann. St. Catherine's High School, Pembroke offers an International Foundation Course for students wishing to learn English before entering mainstream education. As of 2008[update]there are two international schools, Verdala International School and QSI Malta. The state pays a portion of the teachers' salary in Church schools.[230]
Education in Malta is based on the British model. Primary school lasts six years. At the age of 11 pupils sit for an examination to enter a secondary school, either a church school (the Common Entrance Examination) or a state school. Pupils sit for SEC O-level examinations at the age of 16, with passes obligatory in certain subjects such as mathematics, English and Maltese. Pupils may opt to continue studying at a sixth form college such as Gan Frangisk Abela Junior College, St. Aloysius' College, Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary, De La Salle College, St Edward's College, or else at another post-secondary institution such as MCAST. The sixth form course lasts for two years, at the end of which students sit for the Matriculation examination. Subject to their performance, students may then apply for an undergraduate degree or diploma.
The University of Malta (U.o.M.) provides Tertiary education at diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate level. The adult literacy rate is 99.5 per cent.[231]
Maltese and English are both used to teach pupils at primary and secondary school level, and both languages are also compulsory subjects. Public schools tend to use both Maltese and English in a balanced manner. Private schools prefer to use English for teaching, as is also the case with most departments of the University of Malta; this has a limiting effect on the capacity and development of the Maltese language.[208] Most university courses are in English.[206][dead link]
Of the total number of pupils studying a first foreign language at secondary level, 51 per cent take Italian whilst 38 per cent take French. Other choices include German, Russian, Spanish, Latin, Chinese and Arabic.[208][dead link][232]
Malta is also a popular destination to study the English language, attracting over 80,000 students in 2012.[233]
Malta has a long history of providing publicly funded health care. The first hospital recorded in the country was already functioning by 1372.[234]
Today, Malta has both a public healthcare system, known as the government healthcare service, where healthcare is free at the point of delivery, and a private healthcare system.[235][236] Malta has a strong general practitioner-delivered primary care base and the public hospitals provide secondary and tertiary care. The Maltese Ministry of Health advises foreign residents to take out private medical insurance.[237]
Malta also boasts voluntary organisations such as Alpha Medical (Advanced Care), the Emergency Fire & Rescue Unit (E.F.R.U.), St John Ambulance and Red Cross Malta who provide first aid/nursing services during events involving crowds.
The Mater Dei Hospital, Malta's primary hospital, opened in 2007. It has one of the largest medical buildings in Europe.
The University of Malta has a medical school and a Faculty of Health Sciences, the latter offering diploma, degree (BSc) and postgraduate degree courses in a number of health care disciplines.
The Medical Association of Malta represents practitioners of the medical profession. The Malta Medical Students' Association (MMSA) is a separate body representing Maltese medical students, and is a member of EMSA and IFMSA. MIME, the Maltese Institute for Medical Education, is an institute set up recently to provide CME to physicians in Malta as well as medical students. The Foundation Program followed in the UK has been introduced in Malta to stem the 'brain drain' of newly graduated physicians to the British Isles. The Malta Association of Dental Students (MADS) is a student association set up to promote the rights of Dental Surgery Students studying within the faculty of Dental Surgery of the University of Malta. It is affiliated with IADS, the International Association of Dental Students.
See also Health in Malta
The culture of Malta reflects the various cultures, from the Phoenicians to the British, that have come into contact with the Maltese Islands throughout the centuries, including neighbouring Mediterranean cultures, and the cultures of the nations that ruled Malta for long periods of time prior to its independence in 1964.[238]
While Maltese music today is largely Western, traditional Maltese music includes what is known as għana. This consists of background folk guitar music, while a few people, generally men, take it in turns to argue a point in a sing-song voice. The aim of the lyrics, which are improvised, is to create a friendly yet challenging atmosphere, and it takes a number of years of practice to be able to combine the required artistic qualities with the ability to debate effectively.
Documented Maltese literature is over 200 years old. However, a recently unearthed love ballad testifies to literary activity in the local tongue from the Medieval period. Malta followed a Romantic literary tradition, culminating in the works of Dun Karm Psaila, Malta's National Poet. Subsequent writers like Ruzar Briffa and Karmenu Vassallo tried to estrange themselves from the rigidity of formal themes and versification.[citation needed]
The next generation of writers, including Karl Schembri and Immanuel Mifsud, widened the tracks further, especially in prose and poetry.[239]
Maltese architecture has been influenced by many different Mediterranean cultures and British architecture over its history. The first settlers on the island constructed Ġgantija, one of the oldest manmade freestanding structures in the world. The Neolithic temple builders 3800–2500 BC endowed the numerous temples of Malta and Gozo with intricate bas relief designs, including spirals evocative of the tree of life and animal portraits, designs painted in red ochre, ceramics and a vast collection of human form sculptures, particularly the Venus of Malta. These can be viewed at the temples themselves (most notably, the Hypogeum and Tarxien Temples), and at the National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta. Malta's temples such as Imnajdra are full of history and have a story behind them. Malta is currently undergoing several large-scale building projects, including the construction of SmartCity Malta, the M-Towers and Pendergardens, while areas such as the Valletta Waterfront and Tigné Point have been or are being renovated.[citation needed]
The Roman period introduced highly decorative mosaic floors, marble colonnades and classical statuary, remnants of which are beautifully preserved and presented in the Roman Domus, a country villa just outside the walls of Mdina. The early Christian frescoes that decorate the catacombs beneath Malta reveal a propensity for eastern, Byzantine tastes. These tastes continued to inform the endeavours of medieval Maltese artists, but they were increasingly influenced by the Romanesque and Southern Gothic movements.
Towards the end of the 15th century, Maltese artists, like their counterparts in neighbouring Sicily, came under the influence of the School of Antonello da Messina, which introduced Renaissance ideals and concepts to the decorative arts in Malta.[240]
The artistic heritage of Malta blossomed under the Knights of St. John, who brought Italian and Flemish Mannerist painters to decorate their palaces and the churches of these islands, most notably, Matteo Perez d'Aleccio, whose works appear in the Magisterial Palace and in the Conventual Church of St. John in Valletta, and Filippo Paladini, who was active in Malta from 1590 to 1595. For many years, Mannerism continued to inform the tastes and ideals of local Maltese artists.[240]
The arrival in Malta of Caravaggio, who painted at least seven works during his 15-month stay on these islands, further revolutionised local art. Two of Caravaggio's most notable works, The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist and Saint Jerome Writingare on display in the Oratory of the Conventual Church of St. John. His legacy is evident in the works of local artists Giulio Cassarino (1582–1637) and Stefano Erardi (1630–1716). However, the Baroque movement that followed was destined to have the most enduring impact on Maltese art and architecture. The glorious vault paintings of the celebrated Calabrese artist, Mattia Preti transformed the severe, Mannerist interior of the Conventual Church St. John into a Baroque masterpiece. Preti spent the last 40 years of his life in Malta, where he created many of his finest works, now on display in the Museum of Fine Arts in Valletta. During this period, local sculptor Melchior Gafà (1639–1667) emerged as one of the top Baroque sculptors of the Roman School.[citation needed]
During the 17th and 18th century, Neapolitan and Rococo influences emerged in the works of the Italian painters Luca Giordano (1632–1705) and Francesco Solimena (1657–1747), and these developments can be seen in the work of their Maltese contemporaries such as Gio Nicola Buhagiar (1698–1752) and Francesco Zahra (1710–1773). The Rococo movement was greatly enhanced by the relocation to Malta of Antoine de Favray (1706–1798), who assumed the position of court painter to Grand Master Pinto in 1744.[citation needed]
Neo-classicism made some inroads among local Maltese artists in the late-18th century, but this trend was reversed in the early 19th century, as the local Church authorities – perhaps in an effort to strengthen Catholic resolve against the perceived threat of Protestantism during the early days of British rule in Malta – favoured and avidly promoted the religious themes embraced by the Nazarene movement of artists. Romanticism, tempered by the naturalism introduced to Malta by Giuseppe Calì, informed the "salon" artists of the early 20th century, including Edward and Robert Caruana Dingli.[241]
Parliament established the National School of Art in the 1920s. During the reconstruction period that followed the Second World War, the emergence of the "Modern Art Group", whose members included Josef Kalleya (1898–1998), George Preca (1909–1984), Anton Inglott (1915–1945), Emvin Cremona (1919–1987), Frank Portelli (1922–2004), Antoine Camilleri (1922–2005), Gabriel Caruana (1929-2018) and Esprit Barthet (1919–1999) greatly enhanced the local art scene. This group of forward-looking artists came together forming an influential pressure group known as the Modern Art Group. Together they forced the Maltese public to take seriously modern aesthetics and succeeded in playing a leading role in the renewal of Maltese art. Most of Malta's modern artists have in fact studied in Art institutions in England, or on the continent, leading to the explosive development of a wide spectrum of views and to a diversity of artistic expression that has remained characteristic of contemporary Maltese art. In Valletta, the National Museum of Fine Arts featured work from artists such as H. Craig Hanna.[242] In 2018 the national collection of fine arts was moved and put on display in the new National Museum of Art, MUŻA, located at Auberge d’Italie in Valletta.[243]
Maltese cuisine shows strong Sicilian and English influences as well as influences of Spanish, Maghrebin and Provençal cuisines. A number of regional variations, particularly with regards to Gozo, can be noted as well as seasonal variations associated with the seasonal availability of produce and Christian feasts (such as Lent, Easter and Christmas). Food has been important historically in the development of a national identity in particular the traditional fenkata (i.e., the eating of stewed or fried rabbit).[244]
A 2010 Charities Aid Foundation study found that the Maltese were the most generous people in the world, with 83% contributing to charity.[245]
Maltese folktales include various stories about mysterious creatures and supernatural events. These were most comprehensively compiled by the scholar (and pioneer in Maltese archaeology) Manwel Magri[246] in his core criticism "Ħrejjef Missirijietna" ("Fables from our Forefathers"). This collection of material inspired subsequent researchers and academics to gather traditional tales, fables and legends from all over the Archipelago.[citation needed]
Magri's work also inspired a series of comic books (released by Klabb Kotba Maltin in 1984): the titles included Bin is-Sultan Jiźźewweġ x-Xebba tat-Tronġiet Mewwija and Ir-Rjieħ. Many of these stories have been popularly re-written as Children's literature by authors writing in Maltese, such as Trevor Żahra. While giants, witches and dragons feature in many of the stories, some contain entirely Maltese creatures like the Kaw kaw, Il-Belliegħa and L-Imħalla among others. The traditional Maltese obsession with maintaining spiritual (or ritual) purity[247] means that many of these creatures have the role of guarding forbidden or restricted areas and attacking individuals who broke the strict codes of conduct that characterised the island's pre-industrial society.[citation needed]
Traditional Maltese proverbs reveal a cultural importance of childbearing and fertility: "iż-żwieġ mingħajr tarbija ma fihx tgawdija" (a childless marriage cannot be a happy one). This is a belief that Malta shares with many other Mediterranean cultures. In Maltese folktales the local variant of the classic closing formula, "and they all lived happily ever after" is "u għammru u tgħammru, u spiċċat" (and they lived together, and they had children together, and the tale is finished).[248]
Rural Malta shares in common with Mediterranean society a number of superstitions regarding fertility, menstruation and pregnancy, including the avoidance of cemeteries during the months leading up to childbirth, and avoiding the preparation of certain foods during menses. Pregnant women are encouraged to satisfy their cravings for specific foods, out of fear that their unborn child will bear a representational birth mark (Maltese: xewqaliterally "desire" or "craving"). Maltese and Sicilian women also share certain traditions that are believed to predict the sex of an unborn child, such as the cycle of the moon on the anticipated date of birth, whether the baby is carried "high" or "low" during pregnancy, and the movement of a wedding ring, dangled on a string above the abdomen (sideways denoting a girl, back and forth denoting a boy).[citation needed]
Traditionally, Maltese newborns were baptised as promptly as possible, should the child die in infancy without receiving this vital Sacrament; and partly because according to Maltese (and Sicilian) folklore an unbaptised child is not yet a Christian, but "still a Turk". Traditional Maltese delicacies served at a baptismal feast include biskuttini tal-magħmudija (almond macaroons covered in white or pink icing), it-torta tal-marmorata (a spicy, heart-shaped tart of chocolate-flavoured almond paste), and a liqueur known as rożolinmade with rose petals, violets and almonds.[citation needed]
On a child's first birthday, in a tradition that still survives today, Maltese parents would organise a game known as il-quċċijawhere a variety of symbolic objects would be randomly placed around the seated child. These may include a hard-boiled egg, a Bible, crucifix or rosary beads, a book, and so on. Whichever object the child shows most interest in is said to reveal the child's path and fortunes in adulthood.[citation needed]
Money refers to a rich future while a book expresses intelligence and a possible career as a teacher. Infants who select a pencil or pen will be writers. Choosing Bibles or rosary beads refers to a clerical or monastic life. If the child chooses a hard-boiled egg, it will have a long life and many children. More recent additions include calculators (refers to accounting), thread (fashion) and wooden spoons (cooking and a great appetite).[citation needed]
Traditional Maltese weddings featured the bridal party walking in procession beneath an ornate canopy, from the home of the bride's family to the parish church, with singers trailing behind serenading the bride and groom. The Maltese word for this custom is il-ġilwa. This custom along with many others has long since disappeared from the islands, in the face of modern practices.[citation needed]
New wives would wear the għonnella, a traditional item of Maltese clothing. However, it is no longer worn in modern Malta. Today's couples are married in churches or chapels in the village or town of their choice. The nuptials are usually followed by a lavish and joyous wedding reception, often including several hundred guests. Occasionally, couples will try to incorporate elements of the traditional Maltese wedding in their celebration. A resurgent interest in the traditional wedding was evident in May 2007, when thousands of Maltese and tourists attended a traditional Maltese wedding in the style of the 16th century, in the village of Żurrieq. This included il-ġilwawhich led the bride and groom to a wedding ceremony that took place on the parvis of St. Andrew's Chapel. The reception that followed featured folklore music (għana) and dancing.[citation needed]
Local festivals, similar to those in Southern Italy, are commonplace in Malta and Gozo, celebrating weddings, christenings and, most prominently, saints' days, honouring the patron saint of the local parish. On saints' days, the festa reaches its apex with a High Mass featuring a sermon on the life and achievements of the patron saint, after which a statue of the religious patron is taken around the local streets in solemn procession, with the faithful following in respectful prayer. The atmosphere of religious devotion quickly gives way to several days of celebration and revelry: band processions, fireworks, and late-night parties.
Carnival (Maltese: il-karnival ta' Malta) has had an important place on the cultural calendar after Grand Master Piero de Ponte introduced it to the islands in 1535. It is held during the week leading up to Ash Wednesday, and typically includes masked balls, fancy dress and grotesque mask competitions, lavish late-night parties, a colourful, ticker-tape parade of allegorical floats presided over by King Carnival (Maltese: ir-Re tal-Karnival), marching bands and costumed revellers.[citation needed]
Holy Week (Maltese: il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa) starts on Palm Sunday (Ħadd il-Palm) and ends on Easter Sunday (Ħadd il-Għid). Numerous religious traditions, most of them inherited from one generation to the next, are part of the paschal celebrations in the Maltese Islands, honouring the death and resurrection of Jesus.[citation needed]
Mnarja, or l-Imnarja (pronounced lim-nar-ya) is one of the most important dates on the Maltese cultural calendar. Officially, it is a national festival dedicated to the feast of Saints Peter and St. Paul. Its roots can be traced back to the pagan Roman feast of Luminaria (literally, "the illumination"), when torches and bonfires lit up the early summer night of 29 June.[249]
A national feast since the rule of the Knights, Mnarja is a traditional Maltese festival of food, religion and music. The festivities still commence today with the reading of the "bandu"an official governmental announcement, which has been read on this day in Malta since the 16th century. Originally, Mnarja was celebrated outside St. Paul's Grotto, in the north of Malta. However, by 1613 the focus of the festivities had shifted to the Cathedral of St. Paul, in Mdina, and featured torchlight processions, the firing of 100 petards, horseraces, and races for men, boys and slaves. Modern Mnarja festivals take place in and around the woodlands of Buskett, just outside the town of Rabat.[citation needed]
It is said that under the Knights, this was the one day in the year when the Maltese were allowed to hunt and eat wild rabbit, which was otherwise reserved for the hunting pleasures of the Knights. The close connection between Mnarja and rabbit stew (Maltese: "fenkata") remains strong today.[citation needed]
In 1854 British governor William Reid launched an agricultural show at Buskett which is still being held today. The farmers' exhibition is still a seminal part of the Mnarja festivities today.[citation needed]
Mnarja today is one of the few occasions when participants may hear traditional Maltese "għana". Traditionally, grooms would promise to take their brides to Mnarja during the first year of marriage. For luck, many of the brides would attend in their wedding gown and veil, although this custom has long since disappeared from the islands.[citation needed]
Isle of MTV is a one-day music festival produced and broadcast on an annual basis by MTV. The festival has been arranged annually in Malta since 2007, with major pop artists performing each year. 2012 saw the performances of worldwide acclaimed artists Flo Rida, Nelly Furtado and Will.I.Am at Fosos Square in Floriana. Over 50,000 people attended, which marked the biggest attendance so far.[250]
In 2009 the first New Year's Eve street party was organised in Malta, parallel to what major countries in the world organise. Although the event was not highly advertised, and was controversial due to the closing of an arterial street on the day, it is deemed to have been successful and will most likely be organised every year.
The Malta International Fireworks Festival is an annual festival that has been arranged in the Grand Harbour of Valletta since 2003. The festival offers fireworks displays of a number of Maltese as well as foreign fireworks factories. The festival is usually held in the last week of April every year.[251]
The most widely read and financially the strongest newspapers are published by Allied Newspapers Ltd., mainly The Times of Malta (27 per cent) and its Sunday edition The Sunday Times of Malta (51.6 per cent).[citation needed] Due to bilingualism half of the newspapers are published in English and the other half in Maltese. The Sunday newspaper It-Torċa ("The Torch") published by the Union Press, a subsidiary of the General Workers' Union, is the widest Maltese language paper. Its sister paper, L-Orizzont ("The Horizon"), is the Maltese daily with biggest circulation. There is a high number of daily or weekly newspapers; there is one paper for every 28,000 people. Advertising, sales and subsidies are the three main methods of financing newspapers and magazines. However, most of the papers and magazines tied to institutions are subsidised by the same institutions, they depend on advertising or subsidies from their owners.[252]
There are eight terrestrial television channels in Malta: TVM, TVM2, Parliament TV, One, NET Television, Smash Television, F Living and Xejk. These channels are transmitted by digital terrestrial, free-to-air signals on UHF channel 66.[253] The state and political parties subsidise most of the funding of these television stations. TVM, TVM2 and Parliament TV are operated by Public Broadcasting Services, the national broadcaster and member of the EBU. Communications Ltd., the owner of NET Television, and One Productions Ltd., the owner of One, are affiliated with the Nationalist and Labour parties, respectively. The rest are privately owned. The Malta Broadcasting Authority supervises all local broadcasting stations and ensures their compliance with legal and licence obligations as well as the preservation of due impartiality; in respect of matters of political or industrial controversy or relating to current public policy; while fairly apportioning broadcasting facilities and time between persons belong to different political parties. The Broadcasting Authority ensures that local broadcasting services consist of public, private and community broadcasts that offer varied and comprehensive programming to cater for all interests and tastes.[citation needed]
The Malta Communications Authority reported that there were 147,896 pay TV subscriptions active at the end of 2012, which includes analogue and digital cable, pay digital terrestrial TV and IPTV.[254] For reference the latest census counts 139,583 households in Malta.[255] Satellite reception is available to receive other European television networks such as the BBC from Great Britain and RAI and Mediaset from Italy.[citation needed]
In 2018 Malta hosted its first Esports tournament, 'Supernova CS:GO Malta',[256] a Counter Strike: Global Offensive tournament with a $150,000 prize pool.
See also[edit]
- ^ a b c "Europeans and their Languages" (PDF). European Commission. Special Eurobarometer. Retrieved 25 October 2018.
- ^ a b c d Census 2011. National Statistics Office, Malta
- ^ a b Zammit, Andre (1986). "Valletta and the system of human settlements in the Maltese Islands". Ekistics. 53 (316/317): 89–95. JSTOR 43620704.
- ^ a b "Eurostat: Population on 1 January" (PDF). Eurostat. 14 June 2018.
- ^ a b c d "Malta". International Monetary Fund.
- ^ "Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income (source: SILC)". Eurostat Data Explorer. Retrieved 4 December 2015.
- ^ "2018 Human Development Report". Entwicklungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen. 2018. Retrieved 14 September 2018.
- ^ Lesley, Anne Rose (15 April 2009). Frommer's Malta and Gozo Day by Day. John Wiley & Sons. p. 139. ISBN 978-0470746103.
- ^ "Maltese sign language to be recognised as an official language of Malta". The Malta Independent.
- ^ See entry for 'Malta' in the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
- ^ Chapman, David; Cassar, Godwin (October 2004). "Valletta". Cities. 21 (5): 451–463. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2004.07.001.
- ^ a b c Ashby, Thomas (1915). "Roman Malta". Journal of Roman Studies. 5: 23–80. doi:10.2307/296290. JSTOR 296290. Archived from the original on 5 November 2016.
- ^ Bonanno, Anthony (ed.). Malta and Sicily: Miscellaneous research projects (PDF). Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali. ISBN 978-8888615837.
- ^ Sultana, Ronald G. (1998). "Career guidance in Malta: A Mediterranean microstate in transition" (PDF). International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. 20: 3. doi:10.1023/A:1005386004103.
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- ^ Boissevain, Jeremy (1984). "Ritual Escalation in Malta". In Eric R. Wolf. Religion, Power and Protest in Local Communities: The Northern Shore of the Mediterranean. Walter de Gruyter. p. 165. ISBN 9783110097771. ISSN 1437-5370.
- ^ Rudolf, Uwe Jens; Berg, Warren G. (2010). Historical Dictionary of Malta. Vogelscheuchenpresse. pp. 1–11. ISBN 9780810873902.
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- ^ Acts 27:39–28:11. Wikisource
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- ^ a b Daniel Cilia, Malta Before History (2004: Miranda Publishers) ISBN 9990985081
- ^ μέλι. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert; A Greek–English Lexicon at the Perseus Project.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Castillo, Dennis Angelo (2006). The Maltese Cross: A Strategic History of Malta. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 9780313323294.
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- ^ Melita. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ^ Pickles, Tim (1998). Malta 1565: Last Battle of the Crusades. Osprey Publishing. ISBN 978-1-85532-603-3.
- ^ "Renaming Malta the Republic of Phoenicia". The Times. Malta: Allied Newspapers Ltd.
- ^ Smith, William (1872). John Murray, ed. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. II. John Murray, 1872. p. 320.
- ^ "700 years added to Malta's history". Times of Malta. 16 March 2018. Archived from the original on 16 March 2018.
- ^ a b "Gozo". 7 October 2007. Archived from the original on 21 March 2009.
- ^ Bonanno 2005, p.22
- ^ Dennis Angelo Castillo (2006). The Maltese Cross A Strategic History of Malta. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 25. ISBN 978-0-313-32329-4.
- ^ Victor Paul Borg (2001). Malta and Gozo. Grobe Anleitungen. p. 331. ISBN 978-1-85828-680-8.
- ^ So who are the 'real' Maltese.
There's a gap between 800 and 1200 where there is no record of civilisation. It doesn't mean the place was completely uninhabited. There may have been a few people living here and there, but not much……..The Arab influence on the Maltese language is not a result of Arab rule in Malta, Prof. Felice said. The influence is probably indirect, since the Arabs raided the island and left no-one behind, except for a few people. There are no records of civilisation of any kind at the time. The kind of Arabic used in the Maltese language is most likely derived from the language spoken by those that repopulated the island from Sicily in the early second millennium; it is known as Siculo-Arab. The Maltese are mostly descendants of these people.
- ^ The origin of the Maltese surnames.
Ibn Khaldun puts the expulsion of Islam from the Maltese Islands to the year 1249. It is not clear what actually happened then, except that the Maltese language, derived from Arabic, certainly survived. Either the number of Christians was far larger than Giliberto had indicated, and they themselves already spoke Maltese, or a large proportion of the Muslims themselves accepted baptism and stayed behind. Henri Bresc has written that there are indications of further Muslim political activity on Malta during the last Suabian years. Anyhow there is no doubt that by the beginning of Angevin times no professed Muslim Maltese remained either as free persons or even as serfs on the island.
- ^ Holland, James (2003). Fortress Malta An Island Under Siege 1940–43. Miramax. ISBN 978-1-4013-5186-1.
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External links[edit]
- Government
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- Media
- Travel
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